Collaborating to Give You the Opportunity to Participate in Diabetes Research

The British Research Panel is teaming up with Keele University and Manchester Metropolitan University, as they test the effectiveness of orthotics in shoes for people with diabetes.

More than 4.3 million people in the UK live with diabetes and it is estimated that a further 850,000 also have the condition but are yet to be diagnosed.

Diabetes can be challenging to manage and can cause symptoms such as excessive thirst and tiredness, as well as increasing risk of serious problems with your eyes, heart and nerves. Furthermore, an estimated 450,000 diabetes patients in the UK develop a foot ulcer at some point in their lives.

As part of a research project with Keele University and Manchester Metropolitan University, we are working to engage patients in testing smart insole devices that monitor foot pressure and alert patients at times of high pressure. Such devices have the potential to manage and reduce the effects of diabetic foot ulcerations.

Foot Ulcers: Causes and Concerns

Diabetic foot ulcers are open wounds or sores on the skin that are slow to heal. Raised blood sugar levels can damage the sensation in your feet and affect blood circulation, impacting your ability to heal cuts and sores.

Without treatment, sores can progress to ulcers, infections and at worst, amputations. Most foot problems can be managed and prevented with regular care and orthotics in shoes also offer a potential solution.

You can take a look at some advice on the Diabetes UK website

Research Project: Orthotics Offer a Solution

Recognising that diabetic foot ulcers occur in approximately 15% of patients with diabetes, our collaboration with Keele University aims to test the effectiveness of devices in monitoring these ulcerations and the importance of having the choice to use them.

At the British Research Panel, we work towards giving our members the opportunity to participate in research with the hope that their quality of life can be improved, and that research can progress.

“Our collaborations with academic institutions allow us to work closely with researchers and add variety to our patient engagement opportunities,” explains Silvia, Head of Partnerships at James Lind Care.

“This includes testing new medicines, interventions, reviewing patient-facing materials and providing feedback on medical devices such as the one being tested by Keele University’s REAL PRETECTION team – all these projects aim to improve various aspects of patients’ lives,” she continues.

Offering our members access to an abundance of research projects is what we continue to work towards and collaborating with institutions and organisations is just one of the ways we aim to achieve this.

Collaboration: A Patient Centric Focus

In this ongoing project, we have already spoken to hundreds of members and have seen keen interest in participation.

Through close contact and dialogue with our members, we work to understand the patients’ experience so that research can continue to be adapted to meet patients’ needs.

“We constantly strive to provide varied opportunities for our members to participate in clinical research and give valuable feedback – we believe this is how research can be steered into a more patient-centric direction,” says Silvia.

If you would like to express interest in this study, you are welcome to fill in the following questionnaire

We thank you for your continued interest in research and look forward to offering you more participation opportunities in the future.

Written by
Eloise Healey



How many people in the UK have diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes – NHS (

NWCSN_Diabetes_Footcare_Final_Report_2017-1.pdf (

Diabetes and feet | Foot problems | Diabetes UK



26 thoughts on “Collaborating to Give You the Opportunity to Participate in Diabetes Research

  1. I have been diagnosed with Diabetes for 13 years and so far haven’t had trouble with my feet. Although at my last assessment, the nurse had trouble finding a pulse in the left foot.

  2. Please provide details of geographic areas you are targeting. I would be happy to participate


    Gail lumley

    1. Hi Raymond, this specific project is taking place near Keele University and Manchester Metropolitan University, so a little out of reach for you! We will keep you informed on any future projects and many thanks for your interest in research!

  3. Hi: I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for 70 years and would be pleased to help in your research in any way possible. I like to think that I’m still reasonably fit and active, despite turning into a walking medical lexicon.

  4. I have recently had a vascular decease which has damaged my nerve endings in my feet ,along with diabetes my feet are constantly hot and painful.

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