"I'm benefitting from previous research and I have acces to more advanced medicine than those of previous generations."
- Jan Sounes, member of BRP

TMP front page - may be deleted after 20 apr 2023

Patient community

+10 Partner Communities

The British Research Panel is a voluntary British patient community with partner communities across Europe.

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Free membership

+21.085 Members

It is free to sign up as member and without obligation. Participation in clinical trials is voluntary.

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Access to trials

+100 Trials Participants so far

We offer participation in clinical trials and research projects that are relevant to you.

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Help Develop Tomorrow’s Medicine

The British Research Panel is a patient community that engages patients in clinical trials. It is free to sign up as a member and without obligation. Participation in clinical trials is voluntary.

As a member of the British Research Panel you will be offered participation in relevant clinical trials and contribute to the development of new treatments and medicine. You will also receive newsletters about the latest research and medical breakthroughs, as well as the opportunity to voice your thoughts and concerns through participating in online surveys. Such surveys empower patients' voices and contribute to developing reports that can improve the patient experience.

The British Research Panel is founded and run by the patient organisation James Lind Care, which works to make participation in research easy, safe and an obvious choice for every patient.

The quote could be styled like this to support the sign up button with the color and differentiate with the font.

- Heiko Damsbo, Webdeveloper JLC

Our partners

What will I receive?

We offer participation in research projects that are relevant to you. In addition, you will receive newsletters about research, research reports and more. Registration is free of charge and participation in clinical trials is voluntary.

Read more about membership

What is a clinical trial?

A clinical trial is a research program that involves participants testing a new drug or treatment. The trials are run by a research team including doctors, nurses and other health care professionals.

Read more about trials

How is my data used?

When you sign up as a member, we will ask you to fill in our health questionnaire so we can match you with relevant trials. You can withdraw your consent at any time, and afterwards your data will be deleted.

Read our FAQs here

Hear from our members

Research News

Here you can find a selection of the latest research news stories and medical breakthroughs. Take a look below to learn more!

No advertising
Don’t use the group to advertise yours or someone else’s business, page, or website. While we do encourage an open discussion on treatment options, we do not accept any kind of affiliated links to medication. These posts will be immediately removed, and you will risk being banned from our Facebook community.
Use English only
To make sure all members of the group understand you, please only use the English language.
This is headline
Please Remember to act nice and be kind. We dont want no noice and bullying in this forum.
Any text we wants below
No advertising

Don’t use the group to advertise yours or someone else’s business, page, or website. While we do encourage an open discussion on treatment options, we do not accept any kind of affiliated links to medication. These posts will be immediately removed, and you will risk being banned from our Facebook community.

Use English only
To make sure all members of the group understand you, please only use the English language.
This is headline
Please Remember to act nice and be kind. We dont want no noice and bullying in this forum.
Any text we wants below
No advertising
Don’t use the group to advertise yours or someone else’s business, page, or website. While we do encourage an open discussion on treatment options, we do not accept any kind of affiliated links to medication. These posts will be immediately removed, and you will risk being banned from our Facebook community. Read More
Use English only
To make sure all members of the group understand you, please only use the English language.
This is headline
Please Remember to act nice and be kind. We dont want no noice and bullying in this forum.
Any text we wants below