Participate in Research for Cardiovascular Disease and Kidney Disease!

Have you suffered a stroke, heart attack or cardiovascular problems? Could you be at risk of developing cardiovascular disease or do you have chronic kidney disease? If so, this study could be for you. 

We are collaborating with our trusted partner, TrialBee AB on a study with Eli Lilly and Company for anyone who has or could be at risk of developing cardiovascular disease or who has chronic kidney disease. Learn more about the study and find out if it could be a match for you! 

What is the Purpose of these Studies? 

The purpose of these studies is to assess whether an investigational medicine can reduce the risk of major heart related events such as heart attack and stroke, and/or reduce worsening in kidney function in those with kidney disease. 

How do I know if I’m eligible? 

You could be eligible for these studies if: 

  • You have suffered a stroke, heart attack or other cardiovascular health problems 
  • You or a loved one is living with risk factors that may increase your chances of developing cardiovascular disease such as family history, smoking, high cholesterol etc. 
  • You have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease 

If any of these could apply to you and you want to find out if you are eligible, then click the following link to fill in the questionnaire and see if you may qualify: Clinical research studies for people with cardiovascular disease ( 

Who Will Contact Me after Filling in the Questionnaire and How?  

You will immediately receive a response after filling in the questionnaire as to whether the studies match your health information. 

If one of the studies matches your health information, you will receive a call from one of our dedicated research nurses who will provide you with more details regarding potential participation and ask you questions about your health. 

What Does Participation Involve? 

These studies would require approximately 5 visits per year, for a number of years. Some of these visits can be done remotely. 

If this trial happens to be a match for you, you will receive a phone call from one of our nurses who will thoroughly explain each step of participation. You will also have the opportunity to ask them any questions you might have about the trial. 

Where is the Trial Taking Place? 

There are multiple locations across the UK. After filling in the questionnaire, we will be able to identify the site nearest to you. 

Will I be Reimbursed? 

Yes, your transport costs will be covered. 

Who is Running the Trial? 

We are collaborating with our trusted partner, TrialBee AB in raising awareness of a clinical trial run by pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly and Company. 

What if I’m not Eligible? 

Eligibility criteria are important so that research can be conducted safely and so that the results are accurate. Even if you are not eligible for this trial, your interest is valued and contributes to advancing research. 

If you wish to be kept up to date with future research projects that could be relevant to you, make sure to sign up to the British Research Panel, so we can keep you up to date: Sign Up Form – British Research Panel 

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