Research News

Here you can find a selection of the latest research news stories and medical breakthroughs. Take a look below to learn more!

All Types of Hormonal Birth Control May Increase Breast Cancer Risk

Researchers discover that progestin-only contraceptive use increases breast cancer risk similarly to combined contraceptive use.

Analysing the health records of 28,000 women in the UK, researchers found that the combined contraceptive pill use increased breast cancer risk by 23%. Furthermore, they also found that oral progestin-only contraceptive pills increased breast cancer risk by 29%.

Progestin-only birth control pills are a common form of hormonal contraceptive. Between 2017 and 2019, around 65% of women aged 15- 49 used some sort of contraception.

This study highlights the importance of physicians weighing the benefits and risks to patients using hormonal contraception. Read more:


Can Being Active an Extra 7–9 minutes per Day Boost Your Brain?

Researchers found that trading as little as 7-9 minutes of sedentary behaviour for moderate or vigorous physical activity could significantly improve cognition.

Researchers assessed the link between cognitive test scores and 24-hour movement behaviours from 4,481 UK participants.

After building a predictive model based on the average time participants spent in each movement, they found that cognition scores significantly increased after replacing 9 minutes of sedentary behaviour with moderate and vigorous physical activity.

They also found that replacing 37 minutes of light physical activity or 56 minutes of sleep with sedentary behaviour had a positive effect on cognition.

Learn more about the positive effects of physical activity on cognition:


Parkinson’s: Could a common cleaning chemical cause the disease?

Researchers have linked Parkinson’s disease to exposure to toxins, such as pesticides and air pollution.

More than 8.5 million people globally have Parkinson’s disease and doctors still don’t understand why it occurs. Certain factors such as age and past traumatic brain injury increase risk, but it is also believed that toxins have a great contribution.

Scientists from the University of Rochester believe a commonly used chemical called trichloroethylene (TCE) may also cause Parkinson’s disease. TCE is used in a variety of products and industries, and it can contaminate the air, water and soil where it is disposed.

A study showed that twins with an occupational or hobby exposure to TCE had a 500% increased risk of Parkinson’s disease.

To read more about case studies related to TCE and how to reduce your exposure, click here:


Cardiovascular disease: Taking 500 more steps each day may help lower risk

For older people, every additional 500 steps walked during a day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 14%, according to a new study.

The study also highlighted that health benefits from walking begin at about 3,000 daily steps, and that individuals who walked roughly 4,500 steps each day lowered their risk of CVD by 77%.

The research involved 452 participants whose daily steps were counted using an accelerometer worn at the hip, and their cardiovascular health was tracked for a period of 3.5 years.

During that period, almost 12% of participants who walked fewer than 2,000 steps a day experienced a cardiovascular event, whereas just 3.5% of those who walked around 4,500 daily steps had one.

Learn more about why walking is so beneficial and what action you can take to reduce your risk of CVD:


Alzheimer’s disease: Could Mediterranean, MIND diets help reduce brain plaques?

Researchers from RUSH University have found a link between following either the MIND diet or the Mediterranean diet and fewer Alzheimer’s disease plaques and tangles.

While scientists still do not currently know what exactly causes Alzheimer’s disease, one of the prominent features of the condition is plaques and tangles in the brain.

Plaques gather between neurons in the brain, disrupting communication and tangles block the neuron’s transport system in the brain.

In a recent study, the research team found an association between following the MIND or Mediterranean diets with fewer Alzheimer’s disease plaques and tangles.

To learn more about the links between diet and Alzheimer’s disease, click here:


Can Physical Activity at the Right Time of Day Increase Fat Loss?

Researchers have found via a mouse model that exercising in the morning helps increase fat burn compared to working out in the evening.

Exercise plays an important role in overall health. Not only can it help with weight loss, but previous studies also show physical activity can help lower a person’s risk for diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure.

Many of our internal rhythms are governed by an intrinsic molecular clock and if we can align what we do with this clock, we may be able to fine-tune the health benefits, explains Dr. Juleen R. Zierath.

Read more here:


Could Lack of Sleep or Too Much Sleep Increase Stroke Risk?

Researchers found that sleep problems increased the risk of stroke risk by 5 times.

Data from 1,799 participants showed that those who slept less than 5 hours per night were three times more likely to have a stroke than those who slept for 7 hours. Meanwhile, stroke risk was doubled for those sleeping more than 9 hours per night compared to those sleeping 7 hours.

Quality sleep is for essential health. Sleep problems range from too short or too long sleep duration, difficulty falling and staying asleep, and symptoms such as snoring, snorting, and pauses in breathing.

This study suggests the need to look at interventions for sleep problems and their potential to reduce stroke risk.

Find out more here:


Processed Meat and Refined Carbs Linked to 70% of Type 2 Diabetes Cases Globally

In 2018, 70.3% of the world’s 14.1 million new diagnoses of type 2 diabetes (T2D), were attributable to 11 dietary factors, according to a new study.

Three dietary factors, in particular, stood out as being the greatest drivers of new cases of type 2 diabetes globally: insufficient amounts of whole grains and over-consumption of refined grains and wheat and processed meats.

Of all the new cases caused by nutrition issues, a deficit in whole grains accounted for 26.1%, too many refined grains and wheat 24.6%, and processed meat intake 20.3%.

This study highlights the importance of improving education on diet in managing and preventing type 2 diabetes.

Read the full article:


Hypertension: Strength Training is Effective in Managing High Blood Pressure

Recent data found that strength training may be an effective non-medication option for the management of high blood pressure. However, its effectiveness depends on factors like intensity level and duration.

The review and analysis included 253 individuals with hypertension. Researchers found that strength training was most effective in reducing blood pressure when participants used the following criteria:

  • Participants engaged in strength training that was moderate to vigorous
  • Participants participated in strength training at least two times a week
  • The intervention lasted at least eight weeks

Read more about this study here:


2 thoughts on “Research News

  1. I am Stage 2 Diabetic for nearly three years, currently trapped at 17 stone in weight. I have a swollen right leg, one show size bigger than the left foot.
    I tend to cover around 7000 steps a day for 4 days, reducing to 3000 on the other days.
    I can eat as much as I want, reduce food intake as much as I want, but remain at my current weight, give or take a few pounds.I
    Not sure if passing a motion is involved, it takes three to four days to pass a motion, though foods such as fish, can bring a motion forward a day.
    I am 72 years old, fought through Chronic Pneumonia 15 years ago, plus Follicula Lymphoma Cancer Stage 4 , ring the bell in early 2020, no further treatment but still here.
    I also had Covid, my COPD flared and attacked both lungs, which had 60 % pneumonia in both, plus a killer virus. Two consultants said I would not make it. The third Consultant, ex-Military Medical Captain, took me on, as I was a veteran Commando. Put me through hell, Standard Covid treatment in the day and in the night for 7 days. I have up half way, but a ‘driver’s told me I was ordered to fight this by direct order, so I pulled back up. Less than 12 hours sleep in 7 nights, it pushed my ability to control sleep deprivation, hence the slump. Moved to a ward from ICU, bliss, food drink and as much sleep as I wanted.
    No more injections, just tablets.
    After 6 days, the Consultant told me to get off of Oxygen if I wanted home.. I pulled the nose oxygen pipes iff, pulled the nose from the wall, it was so or die time. Checked every hour, as my oxygen level started at 70 +, the sister pleaded with me to use it over night. The next morning at six am, the reading had risen to 85 and slowly increasing. I went home that ear!y evening. My first week a lad of 40 yrs old died, the second week a lad of thirty succumbed, yet at 71 years, with the Commando set frame OF mind, I survived and set a resident of the hospital.
    I currently operate a Carpenters workshop, part-time voluntary for a Charity.

    My main concern is why I cannot lose weight, yet beat dangerous circumstances to my health??

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