Bowel Research UK’s PaRT Network
People with experience of a bowel condition and members of the public can all help to improve research into bowel disease and bowel cancer. Bowel Research UK involves patients and the public in research through its patient network, PaRT.
PaRT stands for People and Research Together, and it’s a community of people with or interested in bowel conditions who we reach out to for involvement in research, including focus groups, surveys, and more. This is about contributing to research with your opinions and skills rather than taking part in clinical trials or similar. We send out a newsletter every month detailing new opportunities to help improve research.
To be involved you do not need to be a patient or have any medical knowledge but you do need to be enthusiastic about helping tackle some of the most serious and distressing diseases affecting the bowel.
There’s never any obligation to take part in anything – it’s always up to you what you would like to commit to – but by becoming a member of the PaRT network you’ll hear about all of the different opportunities. Find out more about the PaRT network and sign up here.